
Bible Study Magazine, Volume 11 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Bible Study Magazine delivers tools and methods for Bible study, as well as insights from respected teachers, pastors, and scholars. In every issue, you’ll be challenged to engage more deeply with Scripture through personal stories, interpretive articles, and in-depth passage studies.

selectively included only some of Jesus’ ancestors, most likely leaving out many generations. Scholars have pointed out that 14 is the numerical value of the Hebrew name David. (Hebrew language represented numbers by assigning values to each consonant of the alphabet: דוד = d[a]v[i]d = 4+6+4.) Matthew’s structure would highlight both the nature of Jesus’ kingly role as David’s descendant and the vast scope of time of the promises to David. Matthew’s version of Jesus’ genealogy
Volume 11, Number 1, Page 19